Voce Mea

Price: $2.30
SKU:  ae00-98025^BL1379
Manufacturer Part #:  BL1379
This song is based on a Latin translation of Psalm 3:4, which translates as “I have cried out to the Lord with my voice, and he has heard me from his holy mountain.” The first half of the song is intended to convey a sense of despair, as one who is calling out for help and begging to be rescued. The mood of desperation intensifies with the repetition of “clamavi”, which means “I cried”. When the key changes at m. 44, a new feeling of hope emerges, gradually giving way to relief and joy that the cries have been heard and help is on the way! Also available for S(S)A Voices (BL1404).

Table of Contents:

Catalog: BL1379
Publisher: Brilee Music
Composer: Christi Jones
Voicing: SATB
Pages: 12

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